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Lesbian Reverend fired for marrying a woman

Court kicks woman's partner out of home

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News We Care About

"A judge has ruled that a North Texas lesbian couple can’t live together because of a morality clause in one of the women’s divorce papers. The clause is common in divorce cases in Texas and other states. It prevents a divorced parent from having a romantic partner spend the night while children are in the home. If the couple marries, they can get out from under the legal provision—but that is not an option for gay couples in Texas, where such marriages aren’t recognized." 

"A lesbian reverend in South Africa is filing a lawsuit after being dismissed by her church after tying the knot with her partner."

A new show on ABC Family features a biracial lesbian couple raising children, biological and foster children.

Gays and lesbians throughout the country could very soon all have equal marriage rights under federal law. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has been under fire and the Supreme Court will decide this month the fate of millions of couples in the country. They have heard arguments in two cases brought before them that argue gays are discriminated against in federal laws pertaining to the rights afforded to married couples. 


Federal repeal of DOMA could happen this month!

Kicked out of College for being a Lesbian

A young woman was kicked out of a religious university for being a lesbian. The school is also witholding her transcripts so that it is impossible for her to transfer to another institution. Please press the PETITION button below to sign an online petition to get the school to release her credits so she can finish her education somewhere that will not discriminate against her. 

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