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Lesbian Moms, Lesbian Mothers, Gay Moms,  Gay parenting, Two Moms

Prenatal Book

Lesbian Moms, Lesbian Mothers, Lesbian Motherhood, Gay parents, Two moms, 2 Moms

Toddler Book

This book is short story from the point of view of a toddler. It explains why his/her family is so special. It illustrates the pride the toddler feels for having two mommies. In the book, the toddler and their moms work together in daily tasks and special outings. 

What do you and your toddler love to do together? What do you feel your toddler should be able to see in a book about our families? Write to us @ and your ideas could be included in the book!

If you've had a baby, you can probably remember doing hours of researching countless worries and questions online in the long months before your baby joined your family. We've all seen the staples, i.e. the What to Expect... series. Our book is designed to address the questions and concerns you had that you couldn't find a clear answer for. Issues specific to lesbian parenting. For example, "How can I protect the non-bio mom from discrimination during the hospital stay?"

Let us know what prenatal and pre-adoption questions you had. What concerns did you have about a baby joining your two mommy family? What concerns did you have during the baby's first year?

Write to us @ and your ideas could be included in the book!


The books we're working on are geared toward young children and will definitely need pictures. We're currently working with a very talented artist but we could use more talented hands. We're looking for bright, simple and fun images.

Can you draw or paint? Are you able to send us digital copies of your illustrations? For consideration, please send us an original picture of two mommies reading to a small child. Chosen candidates will be eligible to receive 20% of any book royalties once they've completed all illustrations for that book. 

Not ready to commit to illustrating a book? Create something relevant to our families and we could chose your art to feature in our online shop! You could be chosen to sell your photographs, drawings or sculptures on our website.


We've probably all thought about the values and attributes we would wish our children to learn from us. We're working on several books that with each focus on teaching our children these important values. Topics include: responding to bullying and respecting women. Tell us which issues are specific to lesbian parenting.

What do you want your child to learn from you?

Write to us @ and your ideas could be included in a book!

Lesbian Moms, Lesbian Mothers, Lesbian Motherhood, Gay parents, Two moms, 2 Moms


Lesbian Moms, Lesbian Mothers, Lesbian Motherhood, Gay parents, Two moms, 2 Moms


Help us write books for our families

We're working on a series of children's books that will portray lesbian mom-run families. Even before our daughter was born we scoured the web for literature that might inspire, inform or entertain women who were about to become families. While there were about a dozen options, none spoke to the kind of family we were creating. We're trying to create a series that will speak to the modern 2 mommy family. Everyone deserves a prenatal book that addresses the issues they care about and everyone deserves a book they can read to their children that doesn't alienate them. Below are ways you can help mold the series.

#Lesbian  Moms Rock!

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